Summit Christian School FAQs
We meet at St. John’s Episcopal Church, located at 5401 N Brookline Ave, Oklahoma City, OK 73112
Monday & Wednesday on campus days (9:00 a.m.-3:30 p.m.) Doors open at 8:45 for drop off, and pick up is at 3:30.
Students meet with teachers and learning groups to engage in hands-on, multi-sensory learning experiences.
Summit Christian School serves students in grades Pre-K-12th grade.
Our program focuses on creating multi-sensory, learner-centered learning experiences so that students learn by doing. We curate experiences to allow all students to learn, apply, and remember what they learn. We are an active learning, project-based program where campus-wide thematic learning units provide interdisciplinary connections that make learning stick!
We have four campus-wide themes each school year with two in the fall and two in the spring. We call our thematic units Quests, and our teachers weave our theme for each Quest into what students are learning to provide engaging, memorable learning experiences. Past themes have included:
Our Story in HIStory
Travel through Time and Territories
Inventors and Inventions
Entrepreneurship Exploration
At the end of each learning unit, families will meet together one evening or afternoon to allow students to share the evidence of their learning through presentations, products, or performances. Family Events are an important part of our program and lots of fun! They serve as the culmination of the learning experience and should not be missed unless absolutely necessary. Past events have included:
Student created and curated museum exhibits
Student created and led challenges such as escape rooms and obstacle courses
Whole school performances
At this time, we are a homeschool support program and are not accredited. We are in the process of investigating options for accreditation.
Pre-K students must be 3.5 by the time school starts and fully potty trained.
6th graders will be in a special Bridge Class to prepare for successful entry into Middle School in 7th grade. This class will have homework assigned occasionally and will include Language Arts instruction.
Secondary classes will be offered for students in grades 7-12. Secondary students will choose classes based on their needs. There will be classes offered for those just learning the skills needed in secondary school, as well as those ready to advance to more challenging skills. Therefore, age groups will sometimes be mingled and other times separated. While secondary high school students may choose to enroll in a la carte classes, our program is created to provide cross-curricular connections, as well as a strong community. Therefore, we strongly encourage students in grades 7-12 to participate in our full two day a week program. They are welcome to choose any 6 classes we offer.
Elementary students will work with one lead teacher for all day learning adventures that cover the Oklahoma State Standards for Science and Social Studies for their grade level. Students will also engage in Bible study, STEAM (science, technology, engineering, art, mathematical concept) challenges, and reading activities to enrich the language arts curriculum parents choose to teach during at home days.
Secondary students will work with various teachers and field experts as they engage in both core and elective courses, including:
* Language Arts- Middle School, High School options including Yearbook and Creative Writing, Concurrent Enrollment with Oklahoma Christian University
* History - Including History through Film and National History Day
* Math - Pre-Algebra, Algebra 1 & 2, Geometry, Concurrent Enrollment with OC.
* Science - Middle School science, High School science, Advanced science, Concurrent Enrollment with OC
* Electives - Art, Speech, Robotics, STEM, Textile Arts, Yearbook,Christian Worldview, Food Science and more!
Elementary - During at home days for elementary students, parents will guide students in language arts and math skills curricula of their choice. Teachers will provide guidance and share curricula used in class to cover science, social studies, Bible, and projects so parents can integrate if desired, but parents have the final say about what works best for their child. Parents may also engage in project assignments with students during at home days at times. Teachers will provide guidance and support for all projects.
Secondary - Secondary teachers will provide guidance to facilitate student learning during at home days via Google Classroom. Most secondary classes will use specific curricula and schedules, which parents continue at home using the provided guidance by the teacher. Parents still maintain the freedom to adapt and adjust assignments as needed for each student.
SCS encourages families to use at home days to meet individual student needs. This is a wonderful time to explore a sport or hobby, work with a specialist, etc.
We will plan both formal and informal learning experiences for at least one Friday during each learning unit, including field trips, park meetings, exploration activities, virtual field trips and more. We believe the world can be our classroom, so we will offer options to enjoy the resources available!
Families may choose to pay all at once or pay 10 monthly installments September - June
Application, Enrollment and Secondary fees are non-refundable.
Since we purchase supplies, hire teachers, and rent space based on enrollment, after September 1, families will be obligated to pay 100% of the yearly tuition, even if they choose to withdraw from the program.
Included in your tuition: Classroom use supplies, consumable curriculum, technology fees, facility fee, field trip fees except for rare special events, science fees, on campus activity fees, payment plan fees, security fee, secondary curriculum fee, school shirt fee, and non-consumable curriculum used in the classroom.
Not included in your tuition: Re-enrollment and new student application fees, secondary course extra fees, select field trips, optional lunches offered monthly, spirit wear, graduation materials, and other voluntary expenses.