A Deliberately Different December

Those of us at Summit Christian School like to do things differently. We use created curricula as a springboard, but we also create our own projects, integrate subjects, and use textbooks as a reference instead of a forced guide. Often we choose to do our own research instead of using textbooks.

  • We like to investigate instead of memorize. 

  • We encourage students to collaborate instead of compete.

  • We focus on exploring instead of striving.

  • We nurture learning preferences and personal strengths rather than demanding students fit into the same mold as everyone else.

  • We enjoy thinking outside the box in our unique environment.

Our view of the month of December follows this pattern.

While many in our nation ramp up activities during this busy month, we’ve planned a deliberately different December, which includes a month off from on campus meetings. Our hope is that by having a long break from formal school, our families will have time to do things they might not otherwise.

We hope our families will take time to read a novel together, enjoy a special Bible study, take a vacation, or simply enjoy time for rest and fun. Maybe a student wants to explore a topic we introduced further. Maybe he or she wants to try making paint, or growing a container garden, or something else! This is a great opportunity for independent investigations and study.

For the homeschool mom, I highly recommend giving yourself the gift of reading - or reading again! - Teaching from Rest. It will offer refreshment for your spirit!


In a society where busyness is the norm, we invite our families to use these weeks to slow down, savor some family time, and do those things they’ve wished they had time to do. We invite them to have a deliberately different December!


Beating the Weariness of Winter


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